I want to move! So I can decorate my own house!
Found this pichures, I want too move right now!!


damn I love this song, XOXO ANNA
Perhaps the last of autumn...
Oh, time, it goes so fast, soon the snow starts to drip down from the heaven and lays all over the ground. Coldness and unhappynes I don't look forward to it, no I really don't... But today it was still easter! So I took the opportunity to take some pic's of course hehe.

AND before I forget I bought a new bag, mmm love it, so I have to show it!


AND before I forget I bought a new bag, mmm love it, so I have to show it!

For all vintage lovers!
Yeah, that's right for all you vintage loovers as myselfe. I went outside Stockholm for two days and guess what I find alot of vintage stuff for under twentey SKR!
Amazing things, the belts cost 10 SKR togheter, dress 10 ALSOW!! And the hat and bow 5 and 20 SKR! Amazing prices when you leaves the city, right?!