Bloomers, hats and 1916
Hi! Today has been a ruff day, came home and im not going to lie was so freeeaken tired, but one good think though is that someone close to me are plamning our next
get to knowing meeting as a picnik, yeeeeeeeeeeey! With hats, dubbel yeey!

Bye amigaogiaooos
get to knowing meeting as a picnik, yeeeeeeeeeeey! With hats, dubbel yeey!

Bye amigaogiaooos
N.1 stalker

If she were alive today I would be her number one stalker, wow what a women!
Helena Blomqvist and humanbody's with animalheads

Helen Blomqvist and the last pitcure is just very nice.

Today im halfsick and half on a bad mood don't know why though... I want a new hat... And I want to look like the queen in Alice, I would be so pretty! Well this blog isn't for complaining! One good thing is the mint thé im drinking it's so good and I have a date with a friend Im getting to know this afternoon, yeeey! :-)Well why Im writing this on the inspiration category because it's amazingly inspering, wooo for inspiration!
The mind of a culture hipster
Hi, hello none readers! I should really update more... But Im really not the typical blogger that takes pitcures on my self outside school and poste "a today outfit". But what I want to poste today though is what my mind has been through this week! By the way I just been called a culture hipster, what do I really think about that? I don't have a Iphone, I have under a hundred friends on facebook, sure I like old school movies and Charlie Chaplins and radio programs and sundays afternoon tea partys with books but does that really make me a culture hipster? I don't know...
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Bye! :-)
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Bye! :-)