
Spring 2012 (me and my creation)
Working with colour splash, inspiration:

Also Jackson Pollack

Im also doing something similar right now, and im using the same inspirations but diffrent colours...

Will update more later today, with pitcures I have taken of what Im doing right now!
XXX Lady

Will update more later today, with pitcures I have taken of what Im doing right now!
XXX Lady
Just because it's monday...
Hi none readers!

Today, oh so tired... But kind of happy, finally! Dreaming about New york and Paris 1920. Me, Juliette Grecéo, Louise Brookes, Theda bara, Andy Warhol, Colette, lots of more cool people and... JAZZ AND... Champange. Imagien!
Got a new love for 1920s, mabey my next style inspiration?? The winter is so long and borring, must have a new style? Or develope mine...
1940s- money fur, it's awful with fur, but baby it's vintage!

I love Louise...
So words of today...
Unhappy love, originall, diffrent, tired, stomach pain, death, happieness and friends.
- G.Lady

Today, oh so tired... But kind of happy, finally! Dreaming about New york and Paris 1920. Me, Juliette Grecéo, Louise Brookes, Theda bara, Andy Warhol, Colette, lots of more cool people and... JAZZ AND... Champange. Imagien!

Got a new love for 1920s, mabey my next style inspiration?? The winter is so long and borring, must have a new style? Or develope mine...

I love Louise...
So words of today...
Unhappy love, originall, diffrent, tired, stomach pain, death, happieness and friends.
- G.Lady
Louise Brooks- the actor and my dream women
Louise Brooks born November 14, 1906.
Louise Brooks was an american actor, dancer, model and style icon!
Her dad was a lawyer and her mother an artist.
Pandora's box
Prix de beauty
A girl in every port

Mon favooori

Bissous Jade
Louise Brooks was an american actor, dancer, model and style icon!
Her dad was a lawyer and her mother an artist.
Pandora's box
Prix de beauty
A girl in every port

Mon favooori

Bissous Jade
I have always wanted to be a man for a day
Hiiii!!!!!! Long time ago none readers. Tonight was quite boring, but of course filled with tears because of my lovley friend and sistah who's moving next week to Paris!
Well just wanted to catch up hehe :)
Here is me as a man, lol
Well just wanted to catch up hehe :)
Here is me as a man, lol

Bloomers, hats and 1916
Hi! Today has been a ruff day, came home and im not going to lie was so freeeaken tired, but one good think though is that someone close to me are plamning our next
get to knowing meeting as a picnik, yeeeeeeeeeeey! With hats, dubbel yeey!

Bye amigaogiaooos
get to knowing meeting as a picnik, yeeeeeeeeeeey! With hats, dubbel yeey!

Bye amigaogiaooos
N.1 stalker

If she were alive today I would be her number one stalker, wow what a women!
Helena Blomqvist and humanbody's with animalheads

Helen Blomqvist and the last pitcure is just very nice.

Today im halfsick and half on a bad mood don't know why though... I want a new hat... And I want to look like the queen in Alice, I would be so pretty! Well this blog isn't for complaining! One good thing is the mint thé im drinking it's so good and I have a date with a friend Im getting to know this afternoon, yeeey! :-)Well why Im writing this on the inspiration category because it's amazingly inspering, wooo for inspiration!
The mind of a culture hipster
Hi, hello none readers! I should really update more... But Im really not the typical blogger that takes pitcures on my self outside school and poste "a today outfit". But what I want to poste today though is what my mind has been through this week! By the way I just been called a culture hipster, what do I really think about that? I don't have a Iphone, I have under a hundred friends on facebook, sure I like old school movies and Charlie Chaplins and radio programs and sundays afternoon tea partys with books but does that really make me a culture hipster? I don't know...
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Bye! :-)
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Bye! :-)
Art is the answer to a complete life, Jacob Jordaen

XX Jade
Sofia Coppola is a genius

This movie, oh lord how strange but what a maste pice!
The enviorment is amazing.
XXX Jadey
Mia Farrow
Ah, Mia farrow.
Elle est trés, trés chic et si belle.

Jag brukar ofta inte skriva, men idag kände jag, detta är en blogg jag kan skriva här, om jag vill.
Morgonen kändes som en dimma och jag som smeagol, när han bli schtizofroniskt elak.
Min ögonen kändes som igenmurade kikare. Som den ångvält och smeagol klev jag upp.
Var därefter jag var tvungen att springa till den buss som jag självklart missade.
Ibland är morgonen fin...
Elle est trés, trés chic et si belle.

Jag brukar ofta inte skriva, men idag kände jag, detta är en blogg jag kan skriva här, om jag vill.
Morgonen kändes som en dimma och jag som smeagol, när han bli schtizofroniskt elak.
Min ögonen kändes som igenmurade kikare. Som den ångvält och smeagol klev jag upp.
Var därefter jag var tvungen att springa till den buss som jag självklart missade.
Ibland är morgonen fin...
I just must say that Jade make such a beautiful and inspiring posts!
Beautiful women!
I love black and white photos, they're so simple, beautiful and classy.
Image search: weheartit
Oh boy, I'm a sailor!
Just look at this, oh mi lord. It's fantastic. Old school style, sailors. Can it get any better than this? No,no I say...

Oh, yes. Old school sailor I say...

Oh, yes. Old school sailor I say...
Long time ago

Sometime life just pass by, and you forget to blog!
Sources: tumblr and wehearit...